Always check with your G.P. to make sure that you are ok to exercise while you are pregnant.
The first exercise to consider is free and can be done at any time day or night interested? well you may not be as its Walking, many young people see it as something the older generation do when they retire but it is great exercise and if you take a friend its a great excuse for some girly chat without the guilt of what else you should be doing, try it you might be amazed.
The second thing to consider maybe swimming, exercising in water is normally safe and enjoyable during pregnancy, you may find it helpful with the back pain in the later stages of your pregnancy. The water supports your whole body, and you can be as energetic or relaxed as you want. You can choose to go alone and have a swim or you can join a class specifically for pregnant woman, many public and private pools offer antenatal classes, often run by trained midwives or physiotherapists, its best to check out the qualification of the instructor before you take the class just to make certain they know what they are doing.
The third thing to consider is cycling, we don’t mean on the roads it might not be safe for you we mean on an exercise bike. Many of us have an old exercise bike in the garage that was bought when we told our selves that it was time to get fit and then got board after a week, now is the time to fish it out. Or if you are confident on a push bike use it, what is that they say you never forget but if it’s been a long time maybe when you’re pregnant is not the time to test the old adage. As your pregnancy progresses it may be safe to use an exercise bike as there is much less chance of you taking a tumble.
The fourth is exercise classes, if you were already attending an exercise class before your pregnancy, it is important that you tell your instructor that you're pregnant. They should be able to advise you on any parts of the class that are now unsuitable, not all instructors have a full knowledge of what is appropriate in pregnancy so if you feel in anyway concerned about their advice then run it past your G.P or midwife before taking it. There are also exercise classes held specifically for pregnant woman where you know they know what they are talking about it is a good idea to ask your midwife if she knows of any and which she would recommend.
Tip : what ever form of exercise you choose make sure you have a good fitting sports bra to protect your breasts and remember to drink plenty of water throughout you work out.
Exercise to avoid while pregnant
There are many obvious things you should avoid doing when pregnant, the baby is well padded but things can go wrong so it is not worth taking the risk, below are just some of the thing to avoid there are many others just use you common sense if you are not sure ask for medical advice before you do it is always better to ere on the side of caution.
- Contact sports
- Dangerous sports
- Scuba Diving
- high impact aerobics
- jogging or running