With a lot of women sex is a touchy subject after giving birth they are very reluctant to get back on the horse so to speak for many reasons, not the least being that they will get pregnant again and have to go through it all again. On the other hand many woman find that their sex drive improves and they can't get enough.
After the birth the mid wife will give you advice as to when you can have sex again it is dependant on what happened at the birth. It is always good to heed their advice and be patient. Some woman find the thought of sex repulsive after giving birth and believe it or not some men feel that way too, if you are in this position or you suspect that your partners feelings about sex have changed then your only alternative is to talk to each other. Many couples split up in the first year after a baby is born and we think that sex may have a part to play in the break down of these relationships. Just explain how you are feeling and try to listen to your partners opinion, some couples find this really hard and if you think it is threatening you relationship it maybe worth getting professional help, don't just let the problem fester it will only get worse the more you leave it.