Thursday, 2 October 2008

Symptomsof going into labour

Many women have absolutely no idea that they are going into labour until they feel the contraction harden significantly or their waters break often in the most inappropriate places like Blue water shopping center but the body has subtle ways of telling us that labour is coming.

Some of the signs and symptoms of going into labour may include:

  • Period-like cramps
  • Backache
  • Diarrhoea
  • A small bloodstained discharge as your cervix thins and the mucus plug drops out
  • A gush or trickle of water as the membranes break
  • Finally Contractions.
The problems is that not all women experience all or in fact any of the symptoms of if they do they dismiss them as something they ate, if you are pregnant it is worth looking out for these symptoms and if you have any get yourself checked out just to be sure